Tired of lounging around the pool all day ? Overdone the beach ? Children and other companions complaining of Culture overdose. Then maybe its time for some entertainment and fun.
There is no better diversion than taking a trip to the Zoo-Safari Park in Fasano.
Situated just 40 minutes drive from our Villas, it is best to go in the morning, arriving about 10 am.

Park up and buy a couple of bags of peanuts at the shop before the pay booth. Payment is per person with discounts for old,young and student cards holders. Driving in, – one encounters deer and wild goat, keep all windows closed when entering the Lions… whole families of lions not just a few.

Likewise with the Tigers and Bears. Leaving the big carnivores behind, there are enclosures of elephant, and giraffe. Stopping the car near the giraffe enclosure and opening the windows, will, within a few minutes patience will cause the elegant animals to approach, and by offering them peanuts, they will eat from your hand with enormously long tongues like soft velvet, their heads entering through the windows or sunroof in questing for more.
Camels and zebra will look for treats too, but, as these eat with their teeth care should be taken- maybe drop the peanuts to them. Watch out for the emus making sudden darting grabs as they try to take the bag from your hands. Finally leaving the Safari trail exit, park in the car park to the left.

Take your tickets and walk into the Fasanolandia’s pedestrian entrance. The ticket allows entrance to the monkey train (more demands for peanuts) as you are mobbed by baboons. The reptile-fish-insect house is close by, but then take the other little train to the “Lake of the Mammals.”

Have your camera ready, because the train first travels on rail above the leopards and panthers, you might only get one quick chance of a photo as the cats could be anywhere. Dismounting the train at the island, watch for the inhabitants in the lake of seals.  Rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and various bears ( the brown bears will beg for peanuts) Before returning to the train and boarding for the return to the main park, stop for lunch in the restaurant bar, with a varied menu, it is fresh, tasty and good value.
Arriving back to the main park, climb up the hill to the aviary of birds, or take delight in a  dolphin and seal show in the water arena. It is possible to watch a free display as the dolphins cavort in their tanks by looking through the underwater viewing ports

Children and maybe adults will be enthralled in the fun park, thrills and spills on water rides, dippers and many more diversions will fill the hours till the park closes and it’s time to go home.

Maybe select a restaurant to dine in on your route home, or instead choose to relax in the evening with a light supper and a glass of cold wine, beside the pool in one of our Villas as you watch the sun going down while you peacefully unwind at the end of the day.